Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week of 8/27/12

Math 7
Monday- Students are learning to subtract integers.
In class, we will practice subtracting on a number line. We will also discuss how subtracting integers is the same as adding the opposite for example 3-7 is the same as 3+-7.  Students will have 5 problems to complete for homework which are shown below.

Use the integer line to answer the questions below. The first one is done for you.
#1:-3 - 4 = -7

#2:-3 - 5 =

#3:6 - 2 =

#4:5 - 6 =

#5:-3 - 3 =

Tuesday- Students will continue to practice subtracting integers. We will create a large number line using receipt paper and students will practice in groups. Homework is shown below.

Integers Homework 2
#6:5 - (-3) =

#7:-8 - (-7) =

#8:0 + (-4) =

#9:-6 - (-10) =

#10:-4 - (-2) =

Practice online math games

Wednesday/Thursday - Students are learning to identify and use properties to make solving math problems easier such as commutative, associative and additive inverse. 

We will review the properties then students will play a matching game where they will sort the equations to the correct property. We will then practice using these properties to make solving integer problems easier.

Accelerated Math 7- 

Monday- students will review subtracting integers. Students will have a homework sheet which is shown below. 

Use the integer line to answer the questions below. The first one is done for you.
#1:-3 - 4 = -7

#2:-3 - 5 =

#3:6 - 2 =

#4:5 - 6 =

#5:-3 - 3 =

Integers Homework 2
#6:5 - (-3) =

#7:-8 - (-7) =

#8:0 + (-4) =

#9:-6 - (-10) =

#10:-4 - (-2) =

Tuesday- students will learn about the properties of numbers and we will practice using these to mentally solve integer problems. Students will complete a property matching game and will be assigned 5 problems to complete at home. 

Rewrite each problem using a property, then solve.

Equation                    New equation                 Answer.                  Property Used
1. -8 + -3 + -2

2. 2 + 10 + -2

3. (5+ 47) + 5

4. -7 + 12 + 7

5. 7 + 56 + 3

6. Write you own example of an equation and write the property you would use to solve.

Wednesday- Students will review subtracting and adding integers by completing board races on our desks. We will also review properties of numbers.

Thursday- Students will take their unit 1 test over adding and subtracting integers and properties of numbers. 

Monday- Students will be learning how to solve literal equations.  A literal equation is an equation made up of at least 2 variables. Many geometry formulas are examples of literal equations.  Students will be asked to solve for one variable. 

For example: P = 2L + 2W, solve for w.
                    -2L    -2L
                 P- 2L = -2W
                  -2           -2

W=   P- 2L
 Homework: Page 113 1-10

Tuesday- Students will continue practicing solving literal equations.

Homework: Page 114 29-38 all

Wednesday- Students will review equations information for our test tomorrow.. We will play a review game in class.

Homework Page 126 18- 56 even. This is review for their test tomorrow.

Thursday TEST DAY!!

Friday, August 17, 2012


As promised, I will post weekly assignments for parents and students. 

MATH 7/ Accelerated Math 7
Math 7 will continue to work on adding and subtracting integers (positive and negative numbers) using a number line. 

      - Monday: Integer Worksheet- students will circle the line graph that is going in a positive direction.

       -Tuesday: No homework.  We will work graph equations on a number line to determine the sum of 2 integers.

       - Wednesday: Integers Practice Worksheet- Students will graph equations and write the sum of the 2 numbers

       - Thursday: Integers Practice Worksheet- this will be more practice over adding integers by using a number line.

       - Friday: Adding Integers Quiz

Algebra A

 Monday     - Page 84       17, 18, 19, 56, 57, 58, 82.
Students are learning to use 2 step equations to solve real world problems.

Tuesday      - Page 91        2- 20 even
Students are learning to solve and justify multistep equations.

Wednesday  - Page  98      4-16 even, 22-26 even
Students are learning to solve equations with variables on both sides of the equation.
Students are learning to determine whether an equation is an identity or whether it has no solution.

Thursday      - quiz on Friday, use the online Algebra textbook and practice the lesson quizzes for Chapter 3-2, 3-3. This will help them review for their quiz on Friday.
Students are learning to solve and justify multistep equations that include distributive property, combining like terms, variables on both sides, and 2 step equations.

Friday           - QUIZ over solving equations.

*If students do not complete their homework, they will be assigned an afterschool homework detention. Parents will be notified by a phone call if their child needs to stay after.  Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekly Learning Objectives

Much of this week will be used to review and practice classroom and school procedures.  The biggest thing we need to do is review how to be a good TMS student and the steps to behavior intervention. 

Math 7/Accelerated Math 7- We will focus on learning and practicing classroom procedures.  We will also begin to discuss adding and subtracting integers.  Students will be using lots of number lines to justify their answers.  By the end of this unit, students will fluently add and subtract integers using a number line.

Algebra A- We will begin working on solving equations. Much of this should be review from Accelerated Math 7.  We will start off with simple 1-step equations and then move into 2 step such as 5x + 2 = 10 and also multistep equations such as 3 ( x -1) + 4x = 2x.  By the end of this unit, students will be able to solve multi-step equations and use them to solve real world problems.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Welcome Back!

Happy First Day of School!!!  I am very excited to have you all back to school.  We have a very exciting year ahead.  Below is the supply list that students need for math class this year.  On the first day of school, I will collect folders and students will label folders so if possible please bring all materials on the first day of school.  I can't wait to see everybody! 

-Notebook paper
-4 total folders (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green)
-RED Notebook
-Graph Paper
-Dry Erase Markers (will be given to Math teacher)


If you have any questions or problems, email me at