Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekly Learning Objectives

Much of this week will be used to review and practice classroom and school procedures.  The biggest thing we need to do is review how to be a good TMS student and the steps to behavior intervention. 

Math 7/Accelerated Math 7- We will focus on learning and practicing classroom procedures.  We will also begin to discuss adding and subtracting integers.  Students will be using lots of number lines to justify their answers.  By the end of this unit, students will fluently add and subtract integers using a number line.

Algebra A- We will begin working on solving equations. Much of this should be review from Accelerated Math 7.  We will start off with simple 1-step equations and then move into 2 step such as 5x + 2 = 10 and also multistep equations such as 3 ( x -1) + 4x = 2x.  By the end of this unit, students will be able to solve multi-step equations and use them to solve real world problems.

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