Saturday, October 13, 2012

Math 7

FYI: Students receiving non masteries or partial mastery in any topics will be assigned an after school review session to bring up the scores.

Monday- Students will review multiplying and dividing fractions. Students will be introduced to our cookie project.  They will be given a cookie recipe and they will have to manipulate the recipe to find how much of each ingredient they will need if they double, triple, and divide the recipe in half.


Tuesday- Students will be grouped based on need into 3 groups: Simplifying, Mixed and Improper Fractions, and Word problems. Students will work today to review these 6th grade concepts to help them multiply and divide fractions.
Improper/Mixed fractions-
Word Problems-

Wednesday- Students will finish their groups from yesterday.

Thursday- Work on recipes. Students will have to complete this part in order to cook tomorrow.

Homework- Bring in ingredients

Friday- Students will be in the home ec room preparing and baking our cookies based on their calculations.

Accelerated Math 10/15

Starting this week, any student with a partial or a non mastery will be required to stay after school at least twice for 30 minutes each to bring up their grade.

Monday- Students will learn how to solve multi-step equations.This will require solving and simplifying.

Homework- (first page only)

Tuesday Students will be grouped today based on the quiz scores from last Friday.  Students will be grouped into 3 groups: Simplifying Expressions, Solving Equations, Word Problems.  Students will review the areas that they didn't receive mastery. Students will be able to retest on Wednesday.

Homework will depend on which group your child is working on.

Wednesday- Students will work on matching equations and word problems together. Many students struggle with creating an equation so this will be our focus today.

Homework- (page 1 only)

Thursday- Students will present one word problem and we will continue practicing writing equations from word problems.

Homework (page 2 only)

Friday- Students will take a quiz over solving multi-step equations. Students will also take retake quizzes fro areas of non/partial mastery.

Algebra 10/15

Monday- Students will review slope and practice finding the slope of a line.

Homework- a worksheet over slope. This can be found on

Tuesday- Students will learn about slope intercept form by matching slope, graphs, equations, and y intercept of 4 graphs.

Homework- page 294 1-3, 10-12, 22-24

Wednesday- Students will continue to practice using slope intercept form.

Homework page 294 13-15, 25-31

Thursday- Students will practice using graphing calculators to graph equations/word problems.

Homework page 294 32-35, 40, 57, 58

Friday- Students will take a quiz over slope intercept form.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When we come back from Fall Break, I plan on utilizing the website for in and out of class assignments. If you do not have an account, then go create one for yourself. It is very similar to Facebook so most students should be able to figure it out. Put in the code for your class to join.

Math 7 (marvelous math) : 6q6idh

Accelerated math : xem2si

Algebra : b298uw

Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 1st!!

I can't believe we are now in the first week of October!!  We have one week until Fall Break.

Students will be reviewing converting fractions into decimals by using long division. 
Convert into decimals. 3/2, 1/9, 9/8

Students will learn how to multiply fractions by doing an investigation.  
Multiply the fractions by modeling.
1) 1/2 x 1/3
2) 4/5 x 2/3
3) 1/4 x 2/5
4) 5/6 x 1/8
5) 1/5 x 1/2

Students will learn how to divide fractions.

Students will review multiplying and dividing fractions by completing a scavenger hunt in class.

Students will take a quiz over multiplying and dividing fractions.  Fridays are considered Flashback Fridays so students will complete practice work and intervention in areas that they haven't mastered. Students can also retake quizzes so they can get mastery in areas no yet mastered.

Students will continue to work on simplifying expressions.  Today, we will talk specifically about combining like terms without using algebra tiles.

Students will continue to work on simplifying expressions.  Today, we will talk specifically about combining like terms without using algebra tiles.

Students will learn how to solve one step equations by using inverse operations for example the inverse operation of +5 would be -5.
Worksheet will be given in class.

Students will learn how to solve 2 step equations by using inverse operations
Worksheet will be given in class.

Students will take a learning check over solving equations and simplifying expressions.

Students will finish their test from Friday and they will preview section 6.1 over slope and rate of change.
page 287 3-9 all

Students will match graphs with the correct slopes.
Draw a picture using at least 10 lines and label the slope of each line.

Students will learn about slope intercept form.  Students will learn how to graph equations and they will learn how to create an equation when given a graph.
Homework page 294 22-27 all find the slope only.

Students continued working on matching the graphs and the slopes together. Students need to study for their quiz tomorrow. Attached is a practice quiz they can take to review. 
Slope Quiz
No homework

It's an awesome Who Dey Sunday!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 24, 2012

Math 7
Monday- Students will be learning to use long division to turn a fraction into a decimal.
Homework- worksheet. Write each fraction as a decimal.

Tuesday- Students will be learning to use long division to turn a fraction into a decimal.
Homework- Worksheet. Write each fraction as a decimal.

Wednesday- Students will be practice converting a fraction into a decimal by completing a scavenger hunt.

4 1/3
5 3/20

Thursday- Students will be reviewing integers by doing a formative assessment activity.

Friday- Students will be reviewing integers by doing a formative assessment activity.
Accelerated Math 7
Monday- Students will be reviewing fraction operations by playing a review game.
Complete the first 5 problems on each page.

Tuesday- Students will be completing fraction operations by taking a test.

Wednesday- Students will identify the parts of an expression and students will practice combining like terms by using algebra tiles.
Homework-Complete the first 5 problems.

Thursday- Students will practice combining like terms using distributive property.
homework- Simplify the expressions.
1) 2 (-x + -2) -4
2) 2 (x - 3) + 5
3) 5 (-x - 2)
4) 2 (x-4) - 3x
5) 3 (x - 5)
Friday Students will take a learning check over simplifying expression and students will be introduced to solving one step equations.

Monday Students will be writing an equation from a table.
Homework- page 256 2-18 even

Tuesday Students will practice matching tables, graphs, and equations together in class.
Homework- Write a scenario then create an equation, graph, and table to match your scenario.

Wednesday- Students will review function information by completing their matching activity from yesterday.
Homework- page 706 6-24 even
Thursday- Students will learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions when given a variable.

Friday- Students will take a Functions Test.

Monday- Students will learn about arithmetic number patterns.
Homework- page 271 14-32 even

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Progress Reports

On Friday, I will be sending home progress reports for all students. Be sure to sign and send back the last page. Call or email me with questions.

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 17, 2012

Math 7
Monday- students will practice solving word problems by multiplying integers.
No homework

Tuesday- students will learn how to divide integers by investigating rules.
Homework- students will solve the following problems for homework.

Wednesday- Students will practice dividing integers by creating word problems. 

Thursday- Students will take a test over multiplying and dividing integers. 
No homework 

Friday- go over test
No homework

Accelerated Math
Monday- students will learn how to convert between percents, decimals, and fractions. Students will complete a practice paper in class.
Homework- work on Garden Project due Friday

Tuesday- students will learn how to add and subtract fractions with Unlike denominators. 
Homework- practice worksheet, work on Garden Project

Wednesday- Students will continue practicing adding and subtracting fractions. 
Homework- practice worksheet

Thursday-  Student will learn to multiply and divide fractions. 
Homework- students will complete the first 5 problems on page one and the first five on page 2.

Friday- Students will review all fraction operations and will take a test over fractions.

Monday- students will take a test over inequalities. When finished students will match graphs to situations that represent each graph.
No homework

Tuesday/Wednesday- students will learn the differences between functions and relations. We will practice with graphs and tables. Students will also learn to define and calculate the domain and range of a set of data. 
Page 244 2-24 even

Thursday- Students will learn how to create graphs when given tables.
Page 249 1-10 all

Friday- Students will take a learning check over functions.
No homework

Monday- Students will learn to write rules/equations when given a graph or a table.
Homework- page 251 1-12 all. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Garden Project- Accelerated Math

Garden Project
due September 21, 2012
Kenton County wants to create a community garden.  There are 100 square feet to use up for the garden.  You must honor the request of the people in the Garden Committee.

Sara wants 1/8 of the garden to have strawberries.
Mike want 8.5% of the garden to have carrots.
Jordan wants .55 of the garden to have pumpkins so they can sell pumpkins during Halloween.                
James really wants at 1/20 of the garden to have watermelons.
You can do what you want with the rest of the garden just be sure to include whatever you add in the table below.






Use a piece of graph paper to draw your garden design. You may place the object anywhere that you want.
Write a letter to the head of your committee. In your letter, you should try to convince them that your design is the best. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 10, 2012


Monday- Students will review adding and subtracting integers by reviewing their tests from Friday.  Students will have an opportunity to do test corrections (if needed). Students will only have homework if they do not complete classwork.

Tuesday- Students willl be learning how to multiply integers (positive and negative numbers).  We will be investigating how multiplication is repeated addition and using number lines to help us.

Homework Problem:

1) On Tuesday, a cold front passed through, causing the temperature to change -2 degrees per hour from noon until 10 am the next morning.  The temperature at noon on Tuesday was 75 degrees. 

        a) What was the temperature at 4 pm Tuesday?
        b) What was the temperature at 9 am Wednesday?
2) See Handout
3) See Handout

Wednesday-  Students will be learning how to multiply integers (positive and negative numbers.  We will extend our investigation from yesterday to include a negative number times a negative number. Students will be looking for patterns and rules for multiplying integers.

1)      -2 x -4
2)      3 x-2
3)      5 x -8
4)      -6 x -7
5)      -8 x -8

6)      The temperature at 6 am was -13 degrees. From 6:00 am until noon the temperature increased by 5 degrees per hour.  What will the temperature be at noon?

Thursday - Students will be learning to multiply integers.  We will play an integer product game in class. Students will review integer rules while playing the game.

    1) -2 x -3
    2) 8 x -6
    3) -5 x -6
    4) 7 x -7
    5) -9 x -9

   6) Sara's pool had 20 gallons of water in it at 2 pm.  It is losing 2 gallons per hour. 
      a) At 6 pm, how much water was drained from the pool?
      b) At 6 pm, how much water was left in the pool?
      c) At what time will the pool be completely empty?

Friday - Students will be reviewing rules for multiplying integers.  We will review as a class and then students will take a quiz to check their learning.

No homework!!  Have an awesome weekend!

Accelerated Math 7

Monday- Students will review rules for multiplying integers and we will start learning about rules for dividing integers by doing an integer investigation where students will turn multiplication problems into division.


Tuesday- . Students will practice multiplying and dividing integers by doing practice problems.

Homework- Get on xp math and play integer game.

(81 x 5) x 2

2 x 7 x 5

5 x 1

-2 x 8 x -5

(5 x 12) x 4

-25 x (12 x 4)

WednesdayStudents will review rules for multiplying and dividing.  Students will complete a test today over multiplying and dividing integers.
Using the Properti

-25 x (12 x 4)

Thursday Students will start on unit 3. Unit 3 will be about fractions.  We will spend today turning a fraction into a decimal by using long division.  Students will be assigned the following 4 problems for homework:
Homework: Write each fraction as a decimal.
1) 11/16
2) 1 5/9
3) 7/12
4) 7 9/10

Students will also be assigned a Garden Project  that will be due on Friday September 21, 2012

Friday Students will learn how to turn a decimal into a fraction.  Students will have time to start their projects in class. No homework

Monday Students will be learning about using multiplication to solve and graph inequalities.

homework: page 149 2- 20 even

Tuesday Students will be learning about using inequalities to solve real world problems.  Students will work in groups today to solve a real world problem. 

homework: page 149 29, 30, 56, 75, 76, and 82.

Wednesday Students will be presenting their word problems today and correcting their homework. 

homework: page 151 9 and 10

Thursday Students will be solve multistep inequalities when the variable is on one side. They will have to use distributive property to do many of these problems.  We will practice many together in class.

homework: page 155 2-8 even and 156 13-15 all

Friday- Students will learn about solving multistep inequalities with a variable on both sides. They will have class work. They will only have homework if the classwork isn't completed.  There will also be a short quiz to check for understanding.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012

Math 7-

Tuesday- Students will be learning to identify properties of numbers (commutative, associative, and additive identity). Students will complete a property sort in class where they will sort out examples into the three categories.

Identifying Properties
In the space provided, write the name of the property that is shown. You will use them more than once.
Commutative- ___________________________________________
Additive Identity- _____________________________________________
Associative- _________________________________________
5 + 0 = 5

-5 + 6 + -5 = -5 + -5 + 6

(3+ 85) + 7 = (3+7) + 85

2 + 56 + 8 = 2 + 8 + 56

(57 + 4) + 6 = (4 + 6)+ 57

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday- Students will practice using the properties of number to solve math problems.


Equation                    New equation                 Answer.                  Property Used

1.    -8 + -3 + -2

2.    2 + 10 + -2

3.    (5+ 47) + 5

4.    -7 + 12 + 7

5.    7 + 56 + 3

Test Review
6) -5 – 1
7) – 1 + 3
8) – 3 + -4
9) -5 + 1
10) – 3 - -4
Friday- Students will take a test to show their knowledge of adding and subtracting integers and properties of numbers.

Accelerated Math 7

Tuesday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

HOMEWORK: Worksheet

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

1)      -2 x -4
2)      3 x-2
3)      5 x -8
4)      -6 x -7
5)      -8 x -8

6)      The temperature at noon was -13 degrees. From 6:00 am until noon the temperature changed by 5 degree per hour.  What had the temperature been at 6 am?
Friday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

Multiplying Integers Game
Multiplying Integers Quiz


Tuesday- Students will be learning to graph inequalities.

Homework: Page  137 20-36 even

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday - Students will be learning to solve and graph one step inequalities.

Homework page 142 4- 18 even

Friday-Students will be learning to solve and graph one step inequalities.

Learning Check