Friday, September 7, 2012

September 10, 2012


Monday- Students will review adding and subtracting integers by reviewing their tests from Friday.  Students will have an opportunity to do test corrections (if needed). Students will only have homework if they do not complete classwork.

Tuesday- Students willl be learning how to multiply integers (positive and negative numbers).  We will be investigating how multiplication is repeated addition and using number lines to help us.

Homework Problem:

1) On Tuesday, a cold front passed through, causing the temperature to change -2 degrees per hour from noon until 10 am the next morning.  The temperature at noon on Tuesday was 75 degrees. 

        a) What was the temperature at 4 pm Tuesday?
        b) What was the temperature at 9 am Wednesday?
2) See Handout
3) See Handout

Wednesday-  Students will be learning how to multiply integers (positive and negative numbers.  We will extend our investigation from yesterday to include a negative number times a negative number. Students will be looking for patterns and rules for multiplying integers.

1)      -2 x -4
2)      3 x-2
3)      5 x -8
4)      -6 x -7
5)      -8 x -8

6)      The temperature at 6 am was -13 degrees. From 6:00 am until noon the temperature increased by 5 degrees per hour.  What will the temperature be at noon?

Thursday - Students will be learning to multiply integers.  We will play an integer product game in class. Students will review integer rules while playing the game.

    1) -2 x -3
    2) 8 x -6
    3) -5 x -6
    4) 7 x -7
    5) -9 x -9

   6) Sara's pool had 20 gallons of water in it at 2 pm.  It is losing 2 gallons per hour. 
      a) At 6 pm, how much water was drained from the pool?
      b) At 6 pm, how much water was left in the pool?
      c) At what time will the pool be completely empty?

Friday - Students will be reviewing rules for multiplying integers.  We will review as a class and then students will take a quiz to check their learning.

No homework!!  Have an awesome weekend!

Accelerated Math 7

Monday- Students will review rules for multiplying integers and we will start learning about rules for dividing integers by doing an integer investigation where students will turn multiplication problems into division.


Tuesday- . Students will practice multiplying and dividing integers by doing practice problems.

Homework- Get on xp math and play integer game.

(81 x 5) x 2

2 x 7 x 5

5 x 1

-2 x 8 x -5

(5 x 12) x 4

-25 x (12 x 4)

WednesdayStudents will review rules for multiplying and dividing.  Students will complete a test today over multiplying and dividing integers.
Using the Properti

-25 x (12 x 4)

Thursday Students will start on unit 3. Unit 3 will be about fractions.  We will spend today turning a fraction into a decimal by using long division.  Students will be assigned the following 4 problems for homework:
Homework: Write each fraction as a decimal.
1) 11/16
2) 1 5/9
3) 7/12
4) 7 9/10

Students will also be assigned a Garden Project  that will be due on Friday September 21, 2012

Friday Students will learn how to turn a decimal into a fraction.  Students will have time to start their projects in class. No homework

Monday Students will be learning about using multiplication to solve and graph inequalities.

homework: page 149 2- 20 even

Tuesday Students will be learning about using inequalities to solve real world problems.  Students will work in groups today to solve a real world problem. 

homework: page 149 29, 30, 56, 75, 76, and 82.

Wednesday Students will be presenting their word problems today and correcting their homework. 

homework: page 151 9 and 10

Thursday Students will be solve multistep inequalities when the variable is on one side. They will have to use distributive property to do many of these problems.  We will practice many together in class.

homework: page 155 2-8 even and 156 13-15 all

Friday- Students will learn about solving multistep inequalities with a variable on both sides. They will have class work. They will only have homework if the classwork isn't completed.  There will also be a short quiz to check for understanding.

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