Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012

Math 7-

Tuesday- Students will be learning to identify properties of numbers (commutative, associative, and additive identity). Students will complete a property sort in class where they will sort out examples into the three categories.

Identifying Properties
In the space provided, write the name of the property that is shown. You will use them more than once.
Commutative- ___________________________________________
Additive Identity- _____________________________________________
Associative- _________________________________________
5 + 0 = 5

-5 + 6 + -5 = -5 + -5 + 6

(3+ 85) + 7 = (3+7) + 85

2 + 56 + 8 = 2 + 8 + 56

(57 + 4) + 6 = (4 + 6)+ 57

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday- Students will practice using the properties of number to solve math problems.


Equation                    New equation                 Answer.                  Property Used

1.    -8 + -3 + -2

2.    2 + 10 + -2

3.    (5+ 47) + 5

4.    -7 + 12 + 7

5.    7 + 56 + 3

Test Review
6) -5 – 1
7) – 1 + 3
8) – 3 + -4
9) -5 + 1
10) – 3 - -4
Friday- Students will take a test to show their knowledge of adding and subtracting integers and properties of numbers.

Accelerated Math 7

Tuesday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

HOMEWORK: Worksheet

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

1)      -2 x -4
2)      3 x-2
3)      5 x -8
4)      -6 x -7
5)      -8 x -8

6)      The temperature at noon was -13 degrees. From 6:00 am until noon the temperature changed by 5 degree per hour.  What had the temperature been at 6 am?
Friday- Students are learning to multiply integers.

Multiplying Integers Game
Multiplying Integers Quiz


Tuesday- Students will be learning to graph inequalities.

Homework: Page  137 20-36 even

Wednesday- MAPS testing

Thursday - Students will be learning to solve and graph one step inequalities.

Homework page 142 4- 18 even

Friday-Students will be learning to solve and graph one step inequalities.

Learning Check

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